Helpful Curriculum Information
Having scoured the internet for information regarding free and inexpensive curriculum, I have amassed quite a list. Though it is not all inclusive, this list should give you a good start on where to find free or almost free worksheets, activities and ebooks. If you find a website that is not included in this list, please email me the information and I will check it out and add it to the list.
This website has tons of worksheets and information for grades K – 12. Though they ask you to register to receive their email, it did not require me to join or pay a fee.
This wonderful website has worksheets all about English! You can print, or you can use the interactive version and it will grade it for you! You can register for the newsletter, but I was not required to pay a fee for any of the services provided.
For grades K – 12, this website was full of information on a variety of subjects and includes Unit Studies as well. You will need to register, but I was not required to pay a fee.
Easy Peasy allinonehomeschool.com
Grade levels and courses include 180 days of homeschool lessons and assignments. It covers reading, writing, grammar, spelling, vocabulary, math, history/social studies/geography, science, Bible, computer, music, art, PE/health, and logic. It uses only free materials found on the internet. This site is 100% FREE to use, however, they do have the option to purchase the preprinted worksheets for their lessons.
Easy Peasy High School allinonehighschool.com
This is the sister site to the one mentioned above. The site has courses for grade levels 9-12, including some AP courses. This site is also free. Though both may ask for a donation, it is not required.
This website has information and worksheets for grades Pre-K – 12. Some of the worksheets can be accessed for free. They have more available for $39.99 annually and it gives you access to many worksheets.
Offering worksheets, unit studies and lessons in all subjects for grades. A limited amount is FREE, and an annual plan is $39.99 or you can get two years for $59.99. I also noticed a discount was available and popped onscreen on it's own.
K – 12.
This website not only has worksheets for grades K – 12 in all subject areas, but has a worksheet creator as well. With that handy tool, you can create your own worksheets and answer sheets quickly and neatly. While there are a lot of ads on this site, I was not asked to pay a fee. I was offered the option to sign up for a newsletter.
Within this site, you will find a ton of information on where to get free homeschool material and resources, articles on homeschooling any age and any grade student. This is a wonderfully informative website with resources beyond belief ... for FREE.
Interested in Science? This website has lots of Science information and worksheets. It also has a listing of places that you can order labs and experiments, though on some you may have to pay a small fee or return shipping. There are different levels of membership, but you can still get tons of information for free!
This is one of those websites that I must rave about. It includes information for all subjects and grade levels. This site is a must see! You can register for the newsletter or email and there is no fee, but there is a ton of information in one location.
This site is wonderful for finding used curriculum at low prices. You can buy or sell by subject, grade level or publisher. Most sellers accept PayPal, so payment is easy and sellers are rated so you can know who you are buying from. There is also a section that will show you events, support groups and cover schools within a certain mile radius of your zip code. You must register to buy or sell, but not to browse.
This is a free site where you can print pre-made writing worksheets OR make your own. The site specializes in handwriting and is very easy to use.
This site offers free printable worksheets in math from Kindergarten through 5th grade. No registration required.
This is a site full of idea for K – 12. It has craft ideas, grade level specific ideas, articles and more. Sign up for a grade specific newsletter. Free version and Premium versions available. $8.00 billed monthly or $60 billed annually. Cancel anytime. I also noticed they have a promo going on, so this may be something they do often.
This site offers state specific worksheets in Math from Pre-K - 12, which are done on the computer, through the website. Printing is available with membership beginning at $9.95 per month for one subject up to $19.95 per month for four core subjects.
Printable Worksheets from 1st – 8th grade plus Algebra and Geometry. FREE! For an advertisement free environment $19.95 per year, or $3.95 per month.
A wonderful site for information about Alabama State standards for public school children is the Alabama Learning Exchange at www.alex.state.al.us . It isn’t required for homeschool families, but it is an excellent guideline. It will show subjects and what is covered in each, for each grade year. The site also has links for additional information and lesson plans and unit studies.
Kahn Academy offers instruction in several different subjects, via website and videos on YouTube, along with worksheets. All for F R E E ! ! !
Learn typing/keyboarding for free, or sign up for ad free premium plans at just $9.59 annually.
A lot of information about Geology and Earth Science, all for free. The amount of information here is amazing!
Curriculum Sites
(to purchase curriculum books/workbooks/computer programs)
Alpha Omega Publishers for LifePac, Horizons, Switched on Schoolhouse and Monarch
www.teachingtextbooks.com While TT still sells some of their products in book and disc form, most of it has gone online only. Still, this is an amazing product! One of the best.
Be sure to check out the used curriculum groups on Facebook!
Homeschool Buy Sell Trade (Facebook Group)
Internet for Classrooms: This site has many Placement Tests available in different subjects and grade levels ... all for FREE!
Math-U-See: Individual Math Placement Tool, taken on computer, smartphone or tablet.
Alpha Omega: This link has a multitude of placement tests for all of AlphaOmega curriculum courses, including LifePac, Horizons and Monarch.
Sonlight: Reading level placement tests.
Math Mammoth: Math Placement Tests for Grades 1 - 7
Teaching Textbooks: Free Math Placement testing
Saxon Math: Free Math Placement testing.
Standardized Testing
These sites offer testing as a paid service.
Easy Test Maker: Has Free and Paid levels to make your own tests.